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My Time With World Vision Australia

As an Account Manager, when you’re handed a new account there are a few things that run through your mind. Yes, the initial thought is usually my workload. Do I have the capacity for another account? Am I able to invest all the necessary time in order to do it justice? How am I going to make this work? Once you’ve established a clear path in your head (usually within seconds), the excitement (and more questions) come!

  • Who are they?

  • What do they do?

  • Is it a big team? What software and tools were they previously on?

  • Where are they based?

  • Gosh I HOPE they’re okay to work with….

When I was given World Vision Australia as one of my very first accounts at KINSHIP digital, let me just say NONE of those thoughts entered my mind. Partly because I already knew the answers to most of my own questions, and partly because I didn’t care. I was just THRILLED to have been given such a great account!

Having done my fair share of 40 Hour Famines back in the day (haven’t touched a barley sugar since) and having previously sponsored two World Vision children (for what I regret to disclose, a brief period of time…) I was certainly familiar with the World Vision story and their core values.

To this date, each and every encounter I’ve had with our clients at World Vision have in every sense lived up to the high standard to which I’ve held the global charity organisation from childhood. From the multiple phone conversations, the many visits to their Melbourne headquarters, the pesky emails (me, not them!) they have consistently met me with a warmth, sensibility and consideration. Is there anything more you could want from a client?

It was quite simple. World Vision wanted to improve and increase their social presence to connect and engage with their online supporters and their ‘digital donners’. This is all part of their mission – engaging people to eliminate poverty and its causes. It was now my job to facilitate this mission. I am part of the bigger picture, I am helping to eliminate poverty and its causes, I am supporting this wonderful organisation that everyday works with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Well, at least that’s what I’d like to believe! The platform does most of the hard work. The platform delivers the data insights, it shows the big conversations and responds quickly, it identifies problems, it allows for the good people at World Vision to use their time more efficiently so they may achieve more out of their days.

That being said, it is still an absolute joy to feel as though you have supported a remarkable company and contributed towards a remarkable goal - a remarkable ‘vision’. Even if it is only in a very small way!